

Visa Information

Consular Services
and Travel Advice

Political, Economic
& Defence Sections


Cultural & Education

News from Britain

About the Embassy

Addresses and links
Foreign & Commonwealth Office   
British Consulate-General, Shanghai   
China-Britain Business Council   
British Chamber of Commerce in China   
Union Flag
British Embassy, Beijing
People's Republic of China

Important Information For Private Visa Applicants

Starting 17 July, access to the British Embassy visa section for private passport holders to make a new application will be by appointment only for a trial period. It will not be possible to make a new application without an appointment.

Application by appointment will provide a better service for our customers. We want to:

  • Eliminate the perceived need for our customers to queue outside the Kerry Centre overnight or from the early hours of the morning;

  • Take away the need for our custmers to stand in a queue for several hours in extreme weather conditions;

  • Enable our customers to come to the Kerry Centre safe in the 
    knowledge that they have a confirmed appointment; and 

  • Put a stop to the unauthorised sale of tickets for a ground floor 

We handle new applications from private passport holders each morning Monday to Friday. To book an appointment, applicants should telephone 8529 6077 between 0830 and 1500 Monday to Friday. We will need to know the applicant's name and passport number. Applicants can make a booking up to 3 days in advance.

To ensure a smooth and efficient service and to limit congestion, we ask all applicants who have made an appointment to come to the vise section at the appointed time, but not before.

There is no charge for making a booking. Under no circumstances should a new applicant pay for an appointment. Any party offering to make an appointment for a fee does not represent the British Embassy.


British Embassy Visa Section


How to apply
for a visa

Applying for a
student visa

Visa fees

Visa forms and
leaflets to

New advice